From VSHA's Governmental Affairs Committee: Licensure and SLP Assistants

There are many changes afoot.  VSHA’s advocacy has resulted in some changes taking place.

From Vt Digger article dated 3/19/14

Speech language pathologists and audiologists

Oversight of two professions will move to the Office of Professional Regulation (OPR): speech language pathologists and audiologists, which are currently licensed by the Agency of Education. Winters said that when the professions became regulated more than a decade ago, they landed under Education’s purview because so many speech language pathologists and audiologists practice in schools. Now, they’ll likely move to OPR because so many practice outside of educational settings. Though OPR does not currently handle licensing, the office does handle some non-educational investigations. Winters said both agencies support the transfer because enforcement will no longer be split between the agencies.

VT Digger article 031914

Current bill is at this site. p.1184+

SLP Assistants  (SLPAs)

VSHA’s application for licensure of SLPAs meets the statutory criteria for licensure.  The Office of Professional Regulation (OPR) plans to recommend licensure during the next legislative biennium (2015-16).  VSHA will form a working committee in the summer-fall 2014 to review the statutory language that would be submitted.

VSHA is currently exploring the implications of this change with the Office of Professional Regulation and our lobbyist and they are in the research phase currently. We are working to minimize any financial and administrative impact to SLPs and audiologists with this transition.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Kimmerly, Past president (2011-12)

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